Diamond Radio

The Diamond Radio Show with Kenneth Diamond, the Free World's Most Precious Talk Radio Program.

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Diamond World Report & Diamond Brokerage

Diamond World Report
& Diamond Brokerage Services

The Diamond World Report is available for subscribers on a yearly, quarterly, or monthly basis. It informs you of the real current cash values in the wholesale diamond market. All precious grade types are presented with the actual available wholesale cash offering of the said diamonds.

By being a subscriber, you open up countless opportunities for the purchase of diamonds on a strictly dealter-to-dealer, wholesale level.

Our brokerage service charges 3% of the gross sale of any given diamond with a minimum commission of $100 USD. Shipping and insurance charges are additional and minimal.

(To Be Continued . . .)

Telephone: 702-880-9044
Kenneth Glasser
PO Box 28048, Las Vegas, NV 89126-2048

Designs, Photos, Data Copyright © Kenneth Glasser